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DefDist Defcad Liberator Printable Gun
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DefDist DEFCAD PrintableGun Defense Distributed

May 6, 2013


The Defense Distributed Liberator

"This is the first DD Liberator release, tested functional on 5/3/2013 and again on 5/5/2013. "

Please check the website for model updates, and read the Readme.txt

Defcad page here:

In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.


The Defense Distributed "Liberator" .380 single shot pistol is a fully 3D-printable firearm.

In abject violation of the Second Amendment, American lawmakers have for decades willfully, intentionally, and traitorously violated their Oaths of Office. In particular, they have destroyed the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which reads:

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The Militia is not the National Guard. As is clear from any knowledge of history, the Militia is any able-bodied citizen.

The intent of the Second Amendment is not to protect hunting nor self-defense. It is to empower the governed to overthrow the government should it become tyrannical.

There is no question as to this intent, and any argument to the contrary betrays only a shocking ignorance on the part of the person making the argument.

Over the course of the 20th Century, successive generations of would-be tyrants masquerading as Congressmen, Senators, Presidents, and Judges have sought to pull the teeth of the Second Amendment. Today, in abject violation of it, the United States has over 20,000 victim disarmament laws.

We can no longer defend ourselves: neither from tyrants in government, nor terrorists, nor street thugs.

This is about to change.

The Liberator is the first 3D-printable gun. You may freely download these plans and print your own. You will have available to you a gun capable of firing a .380 caliber bullet.

And no one -- not your next door neighbor, nor your mayor, nor your Congressman -- will know that you have it.

This is the first in what will become an avalanche of undetectable, untraceable, easy-to-manufacture weapons that will turn the tables on evil-doers the world over.

Share and enjoy.
Nice try blocking this fed LAMO

@DakotaSmith, that was deep.
i don't even have a 3d printer and i'm seeding the fuck out of this

nice try fed
> "The Militia is not the National Guard. As is clear from any knowledge of history, the Militia is any able-bodied citizen."

> "It is to empower the governed to overthrow the government should it become tyrannical."

Well, it's clear from any knowledge of the US constitution (try reading it) that the militia is an institute to be raised by congress, aka the National Guard.

It's also worth mentioning that the constitution *explicitly* defines fighting against the government as treason, which is punishable by death.

In conclusion, kids, the takeaway pro-tip here is to read a doc before using it as a basis for an argument or else severe embarrassment may ensue.
> Bullshit.

Again, if you're going to use the constitution as a justification for the argument, it's very much in your interest to read the constitution:

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, *suppress Insurrections* and repel

Note the *'ed phrase.

Clause 16. The Congress shall have Power To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.

I leave it as an exercise for the reader to identify the wantonly "uneducated moron".
Thanks so much for posting this. I'm glad there are people that believe in a free, uncontrolled web, and our second amendment rights. We need to take a stand against not just the politicians here in the USA, but any tyrannical government that tries to control and oppress its people.
Kids always think they know everything lol Agenthex, I mean seriously, you are so uneducated it isn't even funny. You must be in your mid 20's because you speak as someone with nothing but a general knowledge of constitutional history. Let me guess, you had a few high school classes and one college class on U.S. law. It'd take way too long to educate you to the point where you understand. Just go back to playing video games and trolling for women on OKCupid and let the educated adults handle this.
I'll stick with my $1400 Desert Eagle that fires 7 shots. Mostly because I dont have an $8000 3D Printing Machine. Great download though, I fully support the sharing of this type of information. Good or bad, what you choose to do with this download is completely up to you. Stay safe and keep up the good work!
The Founding Fathers on the Second Amendment

"I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."
George Mason
Co-author of the Second Amendment
during Virginia's Convention to Ratify the Constitution, 1788

"A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves …"
Richard Henry Lee
writing in Letters from the Federal Farmer to the Republic, Letter XVIII, May, 1788.

"The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full posession of them."
Zachariah Johnson
Elliot's Debates, vol. 3 "The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution."

"… the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms"
Philadelphia Federal Gazette
June 18, 1789, Pg. 2, Col. 2
Article on the Bill of Rights

"And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …"
Samuel Adams
quoted in the Philadelphia Independent Gazetteer, August 20, 1789, "Propositions submitted to the Convention of this State"

The Founding Fathers on Arms

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
George Washington
First President of the United States

"The supposed quietude of a good man allures the ruffian; while on the other hand arms, like laws, discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as property. The same balance would be preserved were all the world destitute of arms, for all would be alike; but since some will not, others dare not lay them aside … Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them."
Thomas Paine

"To preserve liberty, it is essential that the whole body of the people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them."
Richard Henry Lee
American Statesman, 1788

"The great object is that every man be armed." and "Everyone who is able may have a gun."
Patrick Henry
American Patriot

"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?"
Patrick Henry
American Patriot

"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not."
Thomas Jefferson
Third President of the United States

"The constitutions of most of our States assert that all power is inherent in the people; that … it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; … "
Thomas Jefferson
letter to Justice John Cartwright, June 5, 1824. ME 16:45.

"The best we can help for concerning the people at large is that they be properly armed."
Alexander Hamilton
The Federalist Papers at 184-8

The militia is not just the National Guard although that is part of it.

10 USC § 311 - Militia: composition and classes

The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.


As for Section 8 of the constitution, the operative phrases are "provide for" and "governing".

The former simply gives Congress the power to pay the States for all of the proceeding activities: organizing, arming, etc.

The latter refers to activating those militia units to do the bidding of the United States government.
If you're having trouble loading it into Creo:

Creo doesn't support parenthesis or spaces in file names. Rename them and it will show up.
The most amazing thing about the internet has always been the sheer number of people who decide that they're 'experts' on whatever based solely on their neurotic need to seem like a big-ass in front of complete strangers. If it weren't for facts, they'd go far.

Here is the US Constitution for idiots: When the Constitution means the Federal government, it Says So. When it means the States, it Says So. And when it means The People, it Says So. The 2nd Amendment of course saying "the right of "...who ... to do what ..." shall not be infringed"?

Additionally, governments do not have Rights. Ever. They have Powers. (Because it's Force). And they do not have control over Rights, because Rights are Natural, they are not 'given' by Government.

Limiting or Abridging a Natural Right by the use or threat of Force is called Tyranny. And now we've come full circle on why there's a 2nd Amendment... to effectively (and if necessary with tree-watering finality) say to a Tyrannical Government "Umm, ... NO."

'Experts', you're welcome.

Ft Detrick Disinfo Agents, GFY.
Direct Links ^.^
> Kids always think they know everything lol Agenthex, I mean seriously, you are so uneducated it isn't even funny. You must be in your mid 20's because you speak as someone with nothing but a general knowledge of constitutional history

Please note the clauses of the constitution in the post you replied to. If general knowledge of the constitution include actually reading it (it's quite short, btw), that is more than sufficient to dispel the crazy notions of the Dunning-Kruger posterchild 'murica crowd.

> The militia is not just the National Guard although that is part of it.

Sure, but given simpletons apparently have trouble reading the constitution before mouthing off about it, there's no point in push luck by enumerating the more nuanced detail.
LOL. Looks like you're the one who was just embarrassed. What a stupid and arrogant thing to say. I was going to reply but sofwarboy's comment makes it unnecessary, but I will say this: The framers of this country make it CRYSTAL CLEAR in words, actions, quotes, and any significant historical documents that THE MILITIIA = THE PEOPLE. You're a great example of the type of idiot who first believes any liberal talking point they hear, and then tries to prove it right, failing miserably because the point was illogical to begin with. If only you'd use your brain in an unbiased way in the first place.
> Here is the US Constitution for idiots: When the Constitution means the Federal government, it Says So. When it means the States, it Says So. And when it means The People, it Says So. The 2nd Amendment of course saying "the right of "...who ... to do what ..." shall not be infringed"?

First, much obliged if you can teach basic reading skills to your peers who have trouble using them on the doc in question.

Second, there's contention among constitutional legal scholars (smart people who do this for a living) whether it's a collective or individual right, and it's likely this level of ambiguity was intentionally written into the doc. In light of that, I submit that like most complicated things in the world, it's not as trivial as idiots would like everyone else to believe as they do.
THANK YOU for posting this. I honestly cannot believe the US DoD is trying to block this. It is ludicrous. I know they won't be successful, but it just shows you how screwed up government is right now.
Luddite govtards still think then can censor gun blueprints on the Internet...

Huge kudos to everyone for sharing and seeding!

YOU are the pillar of civilization that governments are powerless to destroy!
>The framers of this country make it CRYSTAL CLEAR in words, actions, quotes, and any significant historical documents that THE MILITIIA = THE PEOPLE. You're a great example of the type of idiot who first believes any liberal talking point they hear, and then tries to prove it right, failing miserably because the point was illogical to begin with.

If the framers of this country desired the constitution to be "crystal clear" instead of intentionally ambiguious (such that the doc may be better interpreted and serve the nation as time passes) I'd like to believe that they possessed the basic literacy to use more concrete wording instead of rather clever ambivalence.

Unfortunately however the inhabitants of their country continue to be simple despite this passage of time and still consider the founding doc to be the work of fellow simpletons who thought of the world in black and white.

To writ, this is not mere supposition, since my first comment above abundantly demonstrates that the most ardent "patriots" can't even bother to read a few dozen pages before mouthing off on 'Murica. Of course when this is pointed out, they lack the basic decency to admit error, and instead try to deflect blame with some grade school rubber-glue strat.

Given that this is the general level of citizenry/responsibly that seek to arm themselves in the US, even the most staunch supporter of free expression should consider the implications.
This is only a 2.02MiB torrent and it's seeded 2319 times? Paranoid right wing nut jobs. Starve your brain of oxygen by listening to Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh. This thing is made of plastic. Do you really think it's going to fire more then a couple time without breaking. You all must really believe cops are going to come door to door and take all of your guns like my deranged father. You all are living in a delusion and it sad. My father screams at the news and spent his retirement money buying guns, ammunition, food, and a bunker because he listens to the preachers that are Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh all for what. To sit around depressed thinking the whole world is ending and the government has bugged his phone because he is a "patriot" supposedly. Guns in America cause far more harm then they do protecting people. These little zip guns/plastic guns aren't going to protect you from your "tyrannical government" all it does it make you feel a little safer and reenforce your delusions.I feel sad for all the lonely people who sit around there computer all day and believes the hate and conspiracy theories. Wake up. Life is beautiful. Live life. Enjoy it while you can. Don't make yourself miserable. See all the beauty in the world.
If the "Feds" really cared about this torrent they would hack into this site and remove it every time it was posted. You all are delusional.
LOL @ all the Big Government nutters spewing their anti-freedom, anti-individual rights propaganda here.

"But, but, but... government knows best! We should all just disarm and trust government to protect us and never become tyrannical! Forget about all those hundreds upon hundreds of governments throughout history that became tyrannical! That won't ever happen again! Freedom and democracy will prevent it! You've just got to believe! Big Government will solve all our problems!"

Ha, ha, ha... These people are half-religious nut, half-useful idiot.
Will a HP 1000 inkjet printer work to print the gun? I want to get rid of a teacher....
Oh and can I print the ammo as well???
> These people are half-religious nut, half-useful idiot

You should be more careful with loaded language about religion around these armed right-wing white christian nationalists. As for useful idiocy, remember these are the same folks who are getting their guns taken away by that darn Kenyan muslim any minute now for the last 7 years.

What these lower intellect types don't realize is that it's the established gun industry (and their NRA lobby) who have the most to lose in case of successful 3d printed guns. Perhaps they can recollect some other industry groups who'll use whatever means necessary (like tooling the gubmint around) to stop anyone who's a threat to their profits.
@Dakota Smith. "The intent of the Second Amendment is not to protect hunting nor self-defense. It is to empower the governed to overthrow the government should it become tyrannical." herp,derp,herp No, it was to be armed against a possible British invasion 200+ years ago. Is the US in danger of being invaded at the moment, (other than illegal mexicans looking for a better life, not to attack the US) No. But ok there is the ALPACALYPSE coming so better hunker down in your bunker and hide. I'v heard they're extremely vicious
Paranoid Americans are hilarious.

If you want a funny take on gun control type in John Oliver and gun control into youtube.
@agenthex: You really think a plastic gun is going to give gun manufacturers a run for their money? lol
> You really think a plastic gun is going to give gun manufacturers a run for their money?

Did you have the same doubts that crackdown on movie sharing was going to be a issue because floppy disks weren't big enough?

My point is that profit is far greater motivator in the US than bureaucratic apathy regardless of the what the paranoid delusion white-identity movement thinks.
"My point is that profit is far greater motivator in the US than bureaucratic apathy regardless of the what the paranoid delusion white-identity movement thinks."

LOL, True Believer talk.

The motivation for power, especially by those who own and control government, dwarfs the motivation for profit.
Apparently these people are so unbelievably ignorant that they're unaware money *is* power in capitalism.
LOL. You think we have "capitalism". Only children and imbeciles believe that.

Which are you?
They're also evidently so goddamn stupid that they can't imagine money equates to power (because the rich man bought the airtime to tell them it doesn't), but don't take my word for it.

If this endemic of inborn idiocy within america weren't so well known I would be accused of making fake accounts to illustrate my point.
So, if money directly equals power, as you claim, and rich people and corporations have used their money to buy off and corrupt the government, then why are you so interested in disarming the people and leaving them defenseless in the face of such a corrupt, fascist government?

That makes about as much sense as tits on a bull. Derp!
The tits on a bull analogy is far more applicable to the puerile fantasy of facing off against those with real/expensive weapons with small arms. It's as if they've never watched TV and seen how well 3rd world vs 1st world conflicts work out for the former despite usually possessing more potent armaments such as RPGs and high power explosives. But that's strange, these rubes are glued to Fox News and such all the time. It's as if they're incapable of placing themselves into another's position and learning as higher mammals should be able to do.
It usually works out surprisingly well, judging by the U.S. government's inability to win in Vietnam and their current inability to fully pacify Afghanistan. Apparently, you got your history education out of a Cracker Jack box.

What's even more notable is how you failed to answer the question, though. I'll post it again, in case you testicles drop in the next few hours and you develop the courage to respond:

If money equals power, and rich people and corporations have used their money to buy up and corrupt the U.S. government, then why would you have any interest in disarming the American people of their guns and leaving them completely defenseless in the face of a corrupt, fascist government?
This wannabe tough guy act is thoroughly unconvincing. This idea that some suburban commandos who've only ever known a cushy first world lifestyle (as evident from the gross obesity, etc) going to tough it out against 20:1 body count ratios and abject depravity is laughably naive.

The trivial answer to the question is that physical oppression is hardly necessary when these peasants' model obedience at the beck and call of the monied upper crust abundantly demonstrates the absolute control of the latter, in this case in the form of white nationalism. Ironically while Europe etc have learned their lesson from serfdom it's now the american "patriot" who's content to fight over scraps while defending their betters who own everything.
Do you know that in America guns take more innocent lives then they save?
Your own argument works against you. The forces of government in the police and military ranks are subject to and accustomed to the same cushy lifestyle as John Q. Civilian. The idea that these forces of government won't splinter and become demoralized when attacked by their own desperate countrymen on their own home soil is laughable. I guess you didn't think that one through, huh?

But your "attempt" at answering that nagging question you've been avoiding is even more laughable. The control of the American peasant class you described is fully dependent on the maintaining of the illusion that they are "free", have "democracy", and a "representative government" adhering to the U.S. Constitution. In the event of open government tyranny, those illusions will all melt away and the corruption of the system will become apparent to even the most dumbed down members of the public. When that happens, the control, which is mostly all psychological in nature, will disappear. As such, this particular argument of yours is meaningless.

Anyway, this idea that the European model is somehow different than the American model is pretty humorous. LOL. The nations of Europe are controlled by the same oligarchical ruling class as the United States. Your governments, legal institutions, central banks, and monetary systems all work in the same general manner as those in the U.S. The same people who own and control the U.S. government own and control the EU. Whatever is happening here will eventually happen there, if it hasn't already. Oppressive taxation, perpetual surveillance, phony wars for corporate control and profit, corruption, bailouts for big connected banks, police state tactics, government tyranny, incessant propaganda disguised as media entertainment, economic ruin, perpetual inflation, etc... It's all the same. Your European peasant class is no different than the American peasant class.

It's pretty apparent that you have no idea about what's really going on on either continent.
"Do you know that in America guns take more innocent lives then they save?"

I don't know about that. Historically speaking, government guns have taken far more lives than civilian guns ever have. Just add up the death counts from all the wars governments have waged over the last century and it's not even close. Yet I don't see any of you gun grabber nuts arguing for governments to disarm. You only seem to be disinterested in disarming civilians, especially law-abiding civilians.

I wonder why that is...
YouTube search John Oliver Gun Control. Hilarious.
> The forces of government in the police and military ranks are subject to and accustomed to the same cushy lifestyle as John Q. Civilian.

Again, these idiots watch Fox News, see the body counts, and still think themselves equals of a modern military.

> The control of the American peasant class you described is fully dependent on the maintaining of the illusion that they are "free", have "democracy", and a "representative government" adhering to the U.S. Constitution

Said like a like true american coach-dweller who's never stepped foot into the world outside. It's not really a surprise this sort of "libertarianism" only exists in the US.

Since it's a futile quest to penetrate this complimentary defense of willful ignorance and stupidity, I'll instead offer an explanation of the composition of the regressive half of the american population for our intl audience who aren't familiar with the arguments:

While they share commonality in childish fascination for brandishing guns and bible thumping, there's two distinct classes among them: the white trash and wannabe nouveau riche. It's arguable they're barely two steps removed, which is fair enough since economically they're only separated by a marginal social safety net. But then again, the white trash only differ in skin color from the welfare queens (ie poor non-whites) they're indoctrinated to despise. A succinct summary of american white trash can be found here: .

The pretend nouveau riche are however culturally distinct from this in that they've usually benefited more from socialist schools and gubmint edu loans to get some post-secondary degree and therefore envy themselves akin to the truly wealthy aristocracy (eg Bush II, whom they believe simple "worked harder"), instead of the reality of one serious illness away from whitetrash-land. These were termed the suburban commandos since they prefer to live away from the city to avoid "dangerous" color folk, yet ironically mouth off about rebelling against the word's premier armed forces.

This is the sort of cultural cesspool that the american aristocracy draws from to consolidate money/power, since its simple minded natural and trained aversion to better educated "ivory tower elitists" makes them easy to manipulate and perform bidding of the ownership class. Once these rather basic american socioeconomics are observed, it's much easier to understand the rather exceptionally bizarre politics for what's supposed to be an advanced first world nation.
> In the event of open government tyranny, those illusions will all melt away and the corruption of the system will become apparent to even the most dumbed down members of the public.

Btw, this is basically the apocalyptic fantasy of people (ie "libertarians") who have no meaningful future outside of wage slavery at the feet of petty authoritarian managers. But they're told to pay no attention to who they serve their entire lives 9-5, because it's easier to scapegoat the gubmint or (privately own) media or immigrants or aliens for their lack of any meaningful political power (ie $$).

It's pretty evident these idiots are so delusional that they think if only they topple the "socialist" gubmint the rich folks who push them around will start respecting them as if they were equals and had money.
Ah, I see. More psuedo-intellectual babbling, but nothing actually resembling a logical, fact-based argument. On top of that, you STILL haven't been able to elucidate why you have such a perverse desire to see the American people disarmed in the face of an admittedly corrupt, fascist government. This is akin to wishing to see German Jews disarmed by the Nazi government in pre-WW2 Germany. It makes absolutely no sense, unless you're a complete psychopath.

LOL. Just another Big Government nutter with little more to go on than packaged slogans he heard in the media.

^ This is a good demonstration of the Dunning-Kruger trailer trash mentality which cannot construct any discourse in history/politics (or anything else for that matter) beyond grade school hitler references. Note this is what they honestly consider a "logical, fact-based argument".

They are literally so simple-minded that they genuinely equate a largely apathetic bureaucracy to the nazis and themselves to the jews because that's how they're told to see the world.

Anywhere else in the world it would be a parody but unfortunately it's the extent of the mental capacity of many americans.
LOL, "apathetic bureaucracy":

MK-ULTRA. COINTELPRO. Tuskegee syphilis experiment. Project SHAD/112. Iran-Contra. Operation Northwoods. Operation Gladio. Perpetual war foreign and domestic wars. CIA assassinations of foreign leaders. Fast and Furious. Full-spectrum surveillance of the citizenry. Police state tactics. Incessant fear-based propaganda. Thousands upon thousands of laws capable of criminalizing everyone and everything. Drones in the skies over American cities. Use of the IRS to harass political enemies...

I could go on and on, but it wouldn't do you any good, since you can't even be bothered to look up the word 'apathetic' in the dictionary.

Hint: It doesn't mean what you think it means.

Try again, sweetie.
Yeah, I guess it's pretty "funny" for lack of any emotional range that if any of the millions of people employed in thousands of depts performing various functions of governance do anything illegal or reprehensible, gubmint is literally hitler (and the gun-packers the cross-hopping jews). Nevermind most of the 'Murica crowd have been historically been on the wrong side of slavery, women's rights, civil rights, and the list goes on.

It's really unfortunate for the country that these people are too dumb to rub a few brain cells together, but barely smart enough to breathe and chew food.

So why again do you want to disarm the citizens when it's the government that's corrupt, in bed with the corporations, and behaving scandalously?

That part is still not clear. Why do you refuse to answer that question?
The Right to Self-Defense comes not from any government's Constitution, but from a rational inquiry into the question of how human beings ought to conduct themselves in order to sustain civilization, and to facilitate its further growth. And countless studies point to the same conclusion - the best deterrent against violence is balance of power.

The question isn't whether we can wave a magic wand and live in a world free from weapons. Guns will not be un-invented any time soon - in fact their manufacturing will become ever-cheaper and more decentralized, thanks to 3D printers and other 21st century tech. The real question is who will hold the power - a corrupt and unaccountable monopoly on violence called ''government'', the aggressive thugs who are already willing to violate all laws, or every self-owning individual (sane adult) who is willing to take on this responsibility?
(Continued from my above comment. I had trouble posting comments - there seems to be a weird random length limit or something...)

And it is indeed a great responsibility, because, in absence of the ''divine right of government'', every person is accountable for his/her actions, and with more powerful weapons come ever-greater risk and insurance liabilities. In a free market, economic pressures would encourage the proliferation of defense-specific less-lethal weapons tech. And only a government, with nearly-unlimited capacity to steal and dodge liability, could ever build an aircraft carrier or a nuclear submarine!
>That part is still not clear. Why do you refuse to answer that question?

While I appreciate your enthusiasm in demonstrating the claim that this white trash class are borderline retarded, a retard screaming for answers to questions which have already been answered many times by multiple people above is still tiresome:

Small arms are ineffective against any sort of modern military (which is why insurgents overwhelmingly use explosive devices), yet have a noticeable effective in civil society. Many things which are dangerous without tangible benefits are restricted, such as toxic agents, hard drugs, etc for reasons obvious to all but the mentally retarded.
> The real question is who will hold the power - a corrupt and unaccountable monopoly on violence called ''government'', the aggressive thugs who are already willing to violate all laws, or every self-owning individual (sane adult) who is willing to take on this responsibility?

This is incredible first world naivety. Warlords usually dominate parts of the without civil society (ie some form of gubmint). It's basically like some child claiming that since jails hold criminals, we could get rid of criminals by not having any more jails. Cute from a 5 year old living in relative safety, but sad when spoken by a grown man.
"Small arms are ineffective against any sort of modern military (which is why insurgents overwhelmingly use explosive devices), yet have a noticeable effective in civil society."

Is that why the U.S. military made it a point to round up as many small arms as possible, including sidearms, during their occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq?

LOL, maybe they should have consulted with you first.

"Many things which are dangerous without tangible benefits are restricted, such as toxic agents, hard drugs, etc for reasons obvious to all but the mentally retarded."

LOL, more obfuscation. Nobody asked what sorts of items are restricted by government and the rationale given for doing so.

Again, why are you so interested the citizens living under a corrupt government that's obviously fascistic and in bed with multinational corporations?

Let me guess, you'll answer with something like:

"But, but, but... Uh, toxic chemicals and drugs and stuff! Retarded! Uh, government knows best!"

Ha, ha, ha, what a schmuck!

"This is incredible first world naivety. Warlords usually dominate parts of the without civil society (ie some form of gubmint)."

LOL! Warlords are a form of government, dumb ass.

"It's basically like some child claiming that since jails hold criminals, we could get rid of criminals by not having any more jails. Cute from a 5 year old living in relative safety, but sad when spoken by a grown man."

No, it's not really like that at all. Apples, oranges.

Try again, sweetpea.
Please do america a favor and just leave of your own free will instead of remaining a worthless burden on the rest of us. You are free to go at any time. Remember John Galt didn't become a hero by mouthing off all day while watching fox news.

> LOL! Warlords are a form of government, dumb ass.

I'm sure they'll be more receptive your ideology about the ills of their ways than all of us hitler statists here. Better take those guns with you just in case, though.
Nah, I think I'll stay and be a thorn in the side of the Big Government parasites. But if you don't like my right to speak my mind freely, maybe you should leave and find a country that represents your Big Government tyrannical ways. I hear North Korea is lovely this time of year!

By the way, I notice you still haven't been able to answer my question. Ha ha ha! What's the matter? Forget to get your talking points from Media Matters today?

^ This sort of embarrassment is basically why nobody takes these tards seriously. Talks "freedom" but only uses it to be pests. Asks "questions" but ignores the answers. They're like problem kids in school who nobody wants around but difficult to get rid of.
LOL, burn?

Sure, and to be clear here, the white trash label for this group is fair descriptive. For an appropo example of their attitude just look up "cartman do what I want". No parents or gubmint can tell them what to do!
Yep, burn!

Ha ha ha!
@LOLicopter, You are a paranoid person who is extremely stupid. You clearly lack a knowledge of the BASIC political and economic structures of modern society. This gap in knowledge has led you to incorrectly attribute many things to other things incorrectly.

Therefore you obviously need a better education (better than the marginal one you already have) I suggest a high school textbooks.
Teh_Frm4terer- That was beautiful.

The second amendment is was not created so that any old skip can go and buy himself a gun when his girlfriend gets too annoying. It was created because America had no police or military to defend them from inside and outside forces. Americans NEEDED to own weapons in those days and it was made a right. Nobody is restricting you or your second amendment when they say that you will need to "jump through a few hoops" when you want a gun. Unless you're crazy. If all the crazies had a convenient little birthmark that could be checked for, that would make things easier.

Today the only way to know that you are responsible is to inconvenience everyone who wants a gun. It will likely always be that way. You don't need a gun right now, and if you were responsible with a a gun, you wouldn't be worried about the regulations, because you know you would pass them.

You also don't need an AK-47 knockoff for any reason other than ten armed men coming into your home to kill you. If you have pissed off ten armed men who are not afraid to kill you in the first place, you are likely not sane (or smart) enough to own a gun at all. Submachine guns are not for the public because they are designed to kill as many people as possible in the shortest period of time. Do you need to do that? Does anyone with sane intent need to do that? Does crazy old Mr. Mcgurk need to do that on a school bus? No, no, and no.

Guns can kill people and guns can save people. Often at the same time. Why make the guns themselves more important than the lives they were meant to save?